Submit a Job Posting
The CHA Learning job board is for healthcare employers wishing to advertise with us and reach thousands of learners and graduates. Jobs can be posted for roles that relate to our program areas, such as Health Information Management, Food Service & Nutrition Management, Long-Term Care Management.
Employers looking to recruit individuals to train through CHA Learning programs for hard to recruit positions may be eligible for free postings and support. Please contact us to discuss your needs.
Please see the Criteria and Terms and Conditions for submitting a job posting below.
To post a job on the CHA Learning job board, you must meet the following criteria:
- The job must be in a Canadian healthcare organization.
- The job must be related to one of our CHA Learning program areas and targeted to our students or alumni.
- Job postings must contain contact information or a link to an external application site.
- All job postings must comply with provincial or territorial legislation applicable to the posting organization’s location.
- CHA Learning also accepts postings for unpaid placements specifically relevant to our Health Information Management Program and Food Service Nutrition Management Program. Please contact us prior to posting.
- You must pay the non-refundable posting fee of $100 at the time of submission.
Note: If you have a job opportunity relevant to our students and alumni which doesn’t fit these criteria, please contact us
Terms & Conditions
- CHA Learning reserves the right to review and approve all job postings prior to posting on the board.
- Job postings that do not meet our stated criteria will not be posted and the poster notified by email. The fee is non-refundable.
- Job postings that meet our stated criteria but require revisions will be identified and the poster notified by email.
- Upon acceptance of a job posting, CHA Learning will post the opportunity for a period of 60 days.
- CHA Learning provides job posting services only and does not warranty or guarantee the quantity or quality of applicants or the successful recruitment of applicants.
- By posting on our site, the poster agrees that CHA Learning is not responsible for any risk or costs incurred by the posting organization through recruitment, onboarding and ongoing management of staff recruited through this job board.
- CHA Learning does not provide any additional services such as managing or vetting candidates.