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Management Essentials in Long-Term Care Program


Note: The Management Essentials in Long-Term Care Program has been serving healthcare leaders for almost 10 years. In response to the significant changes in the health system and the challenges that new or experienced managers face today, we are currently reviewing the program to ensure CHA Learning continues to serve the needs of today’s managers and the health system overall.

Watch for more information about changes and new offerings in 2025.

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Course Details

The Management Essentials for Long-Term Care program prepares students to effectively manage and lead within the ever-changing challenges in the long-term care environment. This program builds upon CHA Learning’s acclaimed Management Essentials Program. This comprehensive and innovative program uniquely weaves in the LEADS in a Caring Environment leadership framework throughout each course. We will explore essential skills and techniques needed to ensure you are ready for your career in long-term care.

This program is designed to meet the 100 hours of instruction time educational requirement for long-term care administration or management, as set out in out in Ontario’s Fixing Long-term Care Act, 2021 and its regulations [Part VI, 249, 3(d)].  

Why Take This Program?

  • This program is designed to support the learning of new or aspiring managers in long-term care (e.g., long-term care facilities; retirement, assisted-living and nursing homes; complex continuing care facilities; facilities with specialty-care beds)
  • Innovative program weaves leadership throughout using the LEADS in a Caring Environment Leadership Framework
  • Delivered entirely online, enrol any time
  • Expert faculty assigned to support each student individually
  • “Keys to Success” videos created specifically for Management Essentials by prominent Canadian healthcare leaders
  • There are no application prerequisites for this program
  • There is a required textbook for this program:

The required textbook must be purchased independently by the student, it is not included in the tuition price.

Book title: “Bringing Leadership to Life in Health: LEADS in a Caring Environment” authored by Graham Dickson and Bill Tholl.

The following ISBNs are associated with this title:

ISBN – 13: 978-1-4471-7026-6

ISBN – 13: 978-1-4471-4874-6

ISBN-13: 978-1-4471-4875-3

  • Approximately 210 hours
  • Complete in up to 12 months, at your own pace
  • $1995 CAD
  • $2195 International

The courses in this program can also be taken individually. Please Contact Us for more information.

The Management Essentials in Long-Term Care program consists of eight courses and a final project.

Courses 2-8 are shared with the Management Essentials program and can be taken individually. For more details, please click on the course titles below.

Course 1: Understanding Long-Term Care System(s)

  • Understanding the evolution of the healthcare system and how long-term care developed
  • Describing how long-term care service delivery is organized within provinces and regions
  • Describing long-term care users in the system, major issues and challenges affecting long-term care managers, and why management and leadership skills are both required within this context

Course 2: Introduction to Managing and Leading

  • Differentiating between managing and leading
  • Articulating the main functions of good management
  • Describing the main theories and models of management that have been influential over the years
  • Describing the LEADS in a Caring Environment Capabilities Framework
  • Integrating management skills with leadership skills in the context of change
  • Distinguishing between mechanical and organic systems
  • Differentiating between stability versus change
  • Explaining the internal and external forces that lead to changes in healthcare organizations
  • Applying techniques to address common challenges faced when implementing change

Course 3: Health Law, Policies and Standards

  • Interpreting the relationship between the law and the Canadian healthcare system
  • Comparing the significant differences, key principles and current issues with respect to the law versus standards and policy
  • Describing the contribution that professional standards make to a healthcare organization and patient/client (clinical) care
  • Describing ethical principles, frameworks and decision-making models
  • Determining the expectations of compliance with legislation, regulations and/or pre-determined standards amongst regulating and funding bodies
  • Explaining the rationale and benefits of accreditation for healthcare organizations
  • Identifying the legal basis of employment and labour relations, and describing measures to promote harmonious and appropriate relations

Course 4: Planning and Setting Direction

  • Recognizing the importance of appropriate planning when leading a healthcare team
  • Understanding and describing the various types of plans within an organization, and within a specific team
  • Understanding the process of developing operational plans
  • Recognizing the value of direction setting, what it involves, and how to communicate direction
  • Understanding when to adjust plans and how to communicate the changes to your team
  • Understanding and describing the key components of decision making, and understanding how decision making can be used to resolve day-to-day management issues
  • Understanding the principles of change management, and how it can be applied

Course 5: Monitoring, Measuring and Reporting

  • Defining what monitoring, measuring and reporting mean from the perspective of a manager working in a health systems environment and as they relate to quality, risk and patient safety
  • Identifying common monitoring, measuring and reporting tools and strategies
  • Defining risk management and identify risk management challenges
  • Understanding risk management tools and strategies
  • Defining quality and patient safety and identify quality and patient safety challenges
  • Describing quality and patient safety tools and strategies
  • Describing how an organization can translate its strategy into measurable terms and how it can translate the measures into quality improvement
  • Explaining the purpose of public reporting and how it can support an organization’s quality improvement journey
  • Describing how organizations can compare their performance to their peers through benchmarking
  • Exploring how system, organizational, and personal values influence the choice of measures, the use of measures for improvement, and the challenges associated with doing so

Course 6: Managing Financial Resources

  • Understanding financial management, including key concepts and terminology
  • Explaining fundamental finance and budgeting concepts relevant to a healthcare organization
  • Understanding how an organization creates their operating budget
  • Understanding and applying the process for departmental or program budget development (in alignment with the larger organizational operating budget)
  • Recognizing various financial management challenges and some strategies to overcome the challenges
  • Understanding how organizations implement financial management tools and strategies
  • Understanding key aspects of procurement and contract management
  • Understanding the purpose and value of health economics

Course 7: Managing and Leading People

  • Understanding the difference between managing and leading people
  • Identifying your personal strengths and limitations as a manager, and developing an action plan to address the specific areas
  • Identifying strategies for making a successful transition from a non-managerial to managerial role
  • Understanding and applying techniques for effective communication
  • Implementing strategies for dealing with conflict—what to do if there is a conflict and how to do it
  • Describing the practices pertaining to recruitment and selection of employees
  • Implementing techniques to engage and retain your staff
  • Describing the key elements of performance management
  • Describing unionization and the role of unions in the workplace
  • Understanding and describing the elements of a healthy workplace

Course 8: Managing and Leading Teams

  • Distinguishing between the key features of a team and a group
  • Describing many of the different forms and types of teams found in healthcare
  • Describing stages of team development
  • Understanding what is required to build effective teams, and how you can apply this knowledge in your work environment
  • Describing the major components that influence team performance
  • Identifying leadership techniques that will enhance your involvement on teams

Final Project

  • Role-playing activity involving you as the manager, preparing for and engaging an employee (faculty) in a critical conversation
  • Practicing Essential Management and leadership techniques, and applying tools and other information provided in this program
  • Honing your skills and receiving one-on-one coaching in a supportive environment

Management Essentials in Long-Term Care Program Quick FAQ

  • What if I don’t have any management experience? Can I take this program?

    Yes, this program is intended for new or aspiring healthcare managers.

  • Do I need to have healthcare experience to take this program?

    Work experience in long-term care is strongly recommended. If you are unsure or would like to discuss your experience, please get in touch with us.

  • What is the difference between Management Essentials and Management Essentials in Long-Term Care?

    Management Essentials in Long-Term Care is intended for those working within the Long-Term Care Sector. Faculty in that program also work in long-term care.

  • I work in Ontario. Does this meet the regulatory requirement for administrator education?

    Yes, this program is designed to meet the 100 hours of instruction time educational requirement for long-term care administration or management, as set out in the Ontario’s Fixing Long-term Care Act, 2021 and its regulations [Part VI, 249, 3(d)].

  • What will I achieve at the completion of this program?

    At the end of this course, you will receive a certificate from CHA Learning.

“I thoroughly enjoyed every module of the program. I drew tools and information from each module that I have taken directly into my workplace to become a more effective manager and leader. I highly recommend this program for anyone in a healthcare management position.”
—April H.,

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With over 70 years of history as a healthcare non-profit, online learning is all we do. Tens of thousands of professionals have graduated from our programs and gone on to positively impact the health system. Our healthcare experts and faculty coaches are industry leaders. Our team provides exceptional support and truly cares about your success. Learn more about us.

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