Case Study

Increasing Capacity of Organizational Development Teams – One plus One equals unlimited possibilities


Eastern Health (EH), Newfoundland and Labrador’s largest Regional Health Authority, is a valued member of HealthCareCAN (HCC). HCC member organizations have access to CHA Learning’s subject matter and online program development expertise. We believe we can always have a greater impact on the health system by working with our members and other stakeholders who bring unique strengths, perspective and value to the relationship.

In this collaboration, at the encouragement of their Vice President, EH contacted us with the results of an analysis that showed there was large number of management employees eligible to retire in the near future. As part of succession planning, EH identified that frontline employees needed to have access to leadership development opportunities earlier than the current programs offered. At the time, their leadership development programs were designed primarily for those in management roles.

The Opportunity

Based on their needs assessment EH then gathered input to identify the requirements for a frontline leadership development program. EH identified where they had capacity to support the requirements identified and where gaps existed. The gaps identified created the opportunity to collaborate, create and test learning solutions designed to fill those needs. We determined we could enhance the capacity of EH to develop the new courses with our instructional design expertise, knowledge and relationships with experts in the subject areas and with our commitment to a rapid development process and evaluation. We determined that these courses would also be relevant to frontline employees and other role levels across Canadian healthcare.

About the Course and Collaboration

What makes these courses and collaboration notable?

  • The collaboration created an entirely new CHA Learning product line – Leadership Express micro-learning courses – Time Management and Engage to Influence Change.
  • The collaboration allowed EH to respond to the leadership gaps identified in their analysis by engaging with CHA Learning in development, design and delivery.
  • The courses are highly practical and immediately applicable to daily work life.
  • The courses are interactive and engaging.
  • The courses are suitable for those working in any type of healthcare organization, at any role type or level


Learn More

We are proud to support our members and others in developing and delivering high quality online programs to meet their needs quickly and professionally in an environment of trust and respect.

Learn more about the Leadership Express courses here.

Are you interested in partnering or collaborating with us to increase your organizational development  capacity in delivering professional development to your teams? Please Contact us, we’d love to hear from you.